Photo Gallery

The gallery includes many of the portraits and family photos found elsewhere on this site—not all, because some have inadequate resolution to be worth viewing in a lightbox. It also includes many additional photos that were not used elsewhere, either for lack of space or because they portray times or places not covered in the text.

Click on an image to see it in the lightbox. Captions shown in blue are links to related content on this website.

To view the photos as a slideshow, click here.

If you would like to download any of the images, click here to open the gallery on Peter Brunette’s photography site, where they are hosted in the original file sizes. Directions for downloading are given at the top of the page.




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The Andersons: Laurence Ernest and Edna Fern, 1938.
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The Goodriches and Andersons in Aylsham, Saskatchewan, 1939 (l. to r.): Ruth, Marcie, Nathan, Ronnie, Edna Fern, Laurence Ernest, Karlene.
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Fishing trip: Nathan Goodrich and Laurence Ernest Anderson, 1939.
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Sailor Bob Haverfield, 1942.
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Edna Fern Haverfield (Anderson) with son Lornel and daughter Karlene, 1943.
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The Goodriches (l. to r.): Ruth, Ronnie, Marcie (front), and Nathan, 1943.
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Back row (l. to r.): Ruth Haverfield (Goodrich), Edna Fern Haverfield (Anderson), Lornel Anderson. Front row (l to r.): Ronnie Goodrich, Marcie Goodrich, Karlene Anderson. Circa 1943.
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The Andersons (l. to r.), Lornel, Edna Fern, Karlene (front), Rev. Laurence Ernest Anderson, circa 1943.
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Edna Fern Haverfield (Anderson) with son Lornel and daughter Karlene, circa 1944.
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The Andersons (l. to r.): Starla, Edna Fern, Laurence Ernest, Lornel, and Karlene, 1945.
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Back row (l. to r.): Laurence Ernest Anderson, Edna Fern holding Starla, Bea Haverfield holding Bob Jr., and Barbara Fisler (Bea’s daughter from her first marriage). Front row (l. to r.): Lornel, Karlene. Seattle, 1945.
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The Haverfields: Ivy and Lyman, Victoria, British Columbia, 1947.


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Sisters-in-law Edna Fern Haverfield (Anderson) and Ivy Wood McEwan (Haverfield), 1950.
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Edna Fern with daughters Starla (l.) and Cheryl (r.), Glendive, Montana, 1951.
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The Goodriches (l. to r.): Ruth, Marcia, Dennis, Nathan, and Ronald, 1956.
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The Haverfields (l. to r.): Lyman, Randy (standing), Michelle, Ivy holding Michael, circa 1957.
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The Andersons (l. to r.): Dalton, Starla, Vickie LaVaun, Cheryl, Laurence Ernest, Karlene, Lornel (standing), and Edna Fern, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1964.
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Haverfield reunion at Wallowa Lake, Oregon, circa 1974.
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The Andersons’ 50th anniversary, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1987. Standing (l. to r.): Lornel, Karlene, Cheryl, Starla, Dalton. Seated (l. to r.): Laurence Ernest, Vickie LaVaun, Edna Fern.
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The Haverfield siblings and their spouses, Leavenworth, Washington, 1993 (l. to r.): Bob, Bea, Lela, Edna Fern, Laurence Ernest, Ivy, Lyman. This was a celebration of Edna Fern’s 80th birthday and Bob and Bea’s 50th wedding anniversary.